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# Math 94: Summer 2023 Explorations of Mathematics in the Physical World. ## Rediscovering Mathematics and Introduction to Basic Programming **Good job everyone, I wish you all the best ! See you around.** ![[---images/---assets/---icons/exclaim-icon.svg]] [[1 teaching/summer program 2023/group-presentations|Group presentations!]] at 8436 Boelter Learning commons ! Inside the library. **Puzzles. Only if you are very, very bored.** - [A game of MADNESS.](https://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~bslin/MADNESS/) - [[1 teaching/summer program 2023/puzzle-gauntlet|PUZZLE GAUNTLET!]] **Digital tools.** - [a horizontal position tracker ๐ŸŽฏ](https://bonsoon.net/dev/tracker/) - [a music tuner ๐ŸŽค](https://bonsoon.net/dev/tuner/) - [chrome music lab: click on shared piano๐ŸŽน](https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/) - [a digital sextant](https://bonsoon.net/dev/sextant/) ![[---images/---assets/---icons/important-icon.svg]] **Important links.** - [[1 teaching/summer program 2023/syllabus|Course Syllabus]] - [Class Calendar Log and Worksheets](#log) - [week 1](#wk1), [week 2](#wk2), [week 3](#wk3) , [week 4](#wk4), [week 5](#wk5), [week 6](#wk6) - [[1 teaching/summer program 2023/coding/coding-adventure|Coding Adventure]] [Zoom link when we need it](https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8336746466?pwd=bk9mb1VNVW5VSVJJTnRwQWNJWTFwQT09) **OFFICE HOURS**: **MONDAY 3pm at Boelter 8251** **WEDNESDAY 3pm at Boelter 8251** The first several weeks will emphasize on geometry, trigonometry, vectors, algebra and polynomials, complex numbers, and the second part of the course will emphasize on calculus, its applications. Though related ideas will cross over to give a more comprehensive view of our mathematical tools. We will work through interesting problems and puzzles, and investigate how some of these mathematics were developed and used in history. Every week there is also a computing component where we would learn how to code (using Python and/or other existing tools) to solve tasks and problems. $$ \begin{array}{c|c|c|c|c} \text{Monday} & \text{Tuesday} & \text{Wednesday} & \text{Thursday} & \text{Friday} \\ \hline & \text{9am -1030am} & & \text{9am -1030am} \\ & \text{Boelter 8251} & & \text{Boelter 8251} \\ \hline \text{12pm -130pm} & \text{12pm -130pm} & \text{12pm -130pm} & \text{12pm -130pm} & \text{12pm -130pm} \\ \text{Boelter 8251} & \text{Boelter 8251} & \text{Boelter 8251} & \text{Hershey 158} & \text{PIC: MS 2000} \\ \hline \text{\color{blue}Office hours:} & &\text{\color{blue}Office hours:} & \text{2pm - 4pm} \\ \text{\color{blue}3 - 4pm} & & \text{\color{blue}3 - 4pm} & \text{PIC: MS 2000} \end{array} $$ MS = Mathematical Science Building ## Course calendar and class log Below is a tentative schedule for our class. We will update it with what we did as we go! **Week 1. Reasoning, geometry and trigonometry.** - Day 1 (8/7 Monday) - [[1 teaching/summer program 2023/puzzles-and-problems/blind-coins-puzzle|Blind Coins Puzzle]] - Day 2 (8/8 Tuesday) - Discussion of coin puzzle, "directed graph" - Follow up to coin puzzle: [[1 teaching/summer program 2023/puzzles-and-problems/lost-in-cave|Lost in cave!]] - [[1 teaching/summer program 2023/week 1/Cosmic_distance_ladder|Cosmic distance ladder: Size of the Earth??]] - Day 3 (8/9 Wednesday) - Word equation: [[1 teaching/summer program 2023/puzzles-and-problems/send-more-money|Send more money!]] - Day 4 (8/10 Thursday) - Discussion of Worksheet: Size of Earth: [[1 teaching/summer program 2023/week 1/week-1-thursday-discussion|On geometry and calculus]]. - Computer lab - Python: Strings, loops, logical if, else, and, or, not statements. - Our [first python notebook ](https://bonsoon.net/posts/summer%20program%202023/coding/codes/---files/week_1_thursday.ipynb) !!! - Open it up in [colab.research.google.com](https://colab.research.google.com) - If you like, you may bring your own computer. - Bring a pair of headphones if possible, but don't worry if not. - Day 5 (8/11 Friday) - Computer lab - [Python notebook file for Friday](https://bonsoon.net/posts/1%20teaching/summer%20program%202023/coding/codes/---files/week_1_friday.ipynb) (this is now updated after some class work) - [[1 teaching/summer program 2023/coding/coding-adventure|Coding adventure!]] - [[1 teaching/summer program 2023/coding/coding-assignment-week-1|Coding assignment for week 1]] - [Coding assignment for week 1 (python notebook file)](https://bonsoon.net/posts/1%20teaching/summer%20program%202023/coding/codes/---files/M94-YOUR_NAME-week-1-assignment.ipynb) **Week 2. More geometry and trigonometry, algebra and limits.** - Day 6 (8/14 Monday) - [[1 teaching/summer program 2023/puzzles-and-problems/egyptian-right-angle|Make right angle with a rope.]] - [[1 teaching/summer program 2023/puzzles-and-problems/maddening-square-gardens|Maddening square gardens.]] - [[1 teaching/summer program 2023/puzzles-and-problems/hint-to-garden-E|A hint to garden E.]] - Day 7 (8/15 Tuesday) - [[1 teaching/summer program 2023/puzzles-and-problems/pythagorean-theorem|Pythagorean theorem. How can we prove it?]] - Discussion: [[1 teaching/summer program 2023/puzzles-and-problems/law-of-cosine|Law of cosine]]. - Follow up homework: [[1 teaching/summer program 2023/puzzles-and-problems/law-of-sines|Law of sines]]. - [[1 teaching/summer program 2023/week 1/Cosmic_distance_ladder_2|Cosmic distance ladder: To the Moon!]] - Day 8 (8/16 Wednesday) - Card game: [[1 teaching/summer program 2023/puzzles-and-problems/make-24|Make 24]]. - Geometry corner! Areas and volumes of shapes. - [[1 teaching/summer program 2023/puzzles-and-problems/volume-of-a-cone|Volume of a cone.]] - Day 9 (8/17 Thursday) - [[1 teaching/summer program 2023/puzzles-and-problems/volume-of-a-cone|Volume of a cone]] continued... - Algebra practice (factoring, distributing, solving, re-expressing variables, difference of squares) - L'Hospital rule. - Computer lab - Python : Lists, tuples, functions. - [Python notebook file for Week 2 Thursday - updated](https://bonsoon.net/posts/1%20teaching/summer%20program%202023/coding/codes/---files/M94-Lec-2-week-2-Thursday-UPDATED.ipynb) - Day 10 (8/18 Friday) - Computer lab - Python : Lists, tuples, functions, catching error cases, making a basic rock paper scissors game (part 1) - (We will do CSV file handling next week) - [Python notebook file for Week 2 Friday - updated](https://bonsoon.net/posts/1%20teaching/summer%20program%202023/coding/codes/---files/M94-Lec-2-week-2-Friday-UPDATED.ipynb) - [Coding assignment for week 2 (python notebook file)](https://bonsoon.net/posts/1%20teaching/summer%20program%202023/coding/codes/---files/M94-YOUR_NAME-week-2-assignment.ipynb) **Week 3. Unit conversion, number systems, algebra and geometry.** - **Day 11 Monday class (8/21) cancelled due to rare summer storm of the Pacific.** - "Catch up on work" day - Homework : [[1 teaching/summer program 2023/puzzles-and-problems/algebra-practice-1|Some algebra practice.]] - Day 12 (8/22 Tuesday) - [[1 teaching/summer program 2023/puzzles-and-problems/fluffy-cloud|Look at that fluffy cloud!]] - [[1 teaching/summer program 2023/puzzles-and-problems/animals|Guess the animal puzzle.]] - Discussion on base-2 binary numbers. - [[1 teaching/summer program 2023/puzzles-and-problems/intersecting-quarter-circles|A challenging geometry problem: Intersecting quarter circles]] (for 3 stickers?!) - Day 13 (8/23 Wednesday) - Partition 0,1,2,...,15 into four groups of four, so each group add up to 30. Save Lauren!! - [[1 teaching/summer program 2023/puzzles-and-problems/how-high-is-that-cloud|How high is that cloud?]] - [digital sextant](https://bonsoon.net/dev/sextant/) - Day 14 (8/24 Thursday) - How high is that cloud discussion, and measuring the height of the ceiling of our classroom. - **Challenge exercise:** [[1 teaching/summer program 2023/puzzles-and-problems/how-tall-is-royce-hall|How tall is Royce Hall?]] - Computer lab: - Making a rock paper scissors game: User inputs, dictionary, while loops - [Python notebook file for Week 3 Thursday](https://bonsoon.net/posts/1%20teaching/summer%20program%202023/coding/codes/---files/M94-Lec-2-week-3-Thursday.ipynb) - Here is the [UPDATED Python notebook file for Week 3 Thursday](https://bonsoon.net/posts/1%20teaching/summer%20program%202023/coding/codes/---files/M94-Lec-2-week-3-Thursday-UPDATED.ipynb) - Day 15 (8/25 Friday) - Computer lab: We will do something **amazing** today! - [Python notebook file for Week 3 Friday](https://bonsoon.net/posts/1%20teaching/summer%20program%202023/coding/codes/---files/M94-Lec-2-week-3-Friday.ipynb) **Week 4. Data, data all around us: A look at gathering information and regression.** - Day 16 (8/28 Monday) - Permutations - [Are you the one game.](https://bonsoon.net/dev/are-you-the-one/) (Guess the 10 digit password game.) - Logarithms: Brief review. - Day 17 (8/29 Tuesday) - [[1 teaching/summer program 2023/puzzles-and-problems/clock-problem|A clock challenge...for some stickers??]] - [[1 teaching/summer program 2023/puzzles-and-problems/logarithms|Logarithms worksheet.]] - Day 18 (8/30 Wednesday) - [[1 teaching/summer program 2023/puzzles-and-problems/chromatic-scale|Chromatic scale: Musical notes and their frequencies.]] - Day 19 (8/31 Thursday) - [[1 teaching/summer program 2023/puzzles-and-problems/logarithm-2|Logarithms are useful in representing numbers by their magnitudes.]] - Determining power law vs geometric/exponential law, with log plots and log-log plots. - Frequency of musical notes: geometric relation. - [[1 teaching/summer program 2023/puzzles-and-problems/keplers-third-law-and-power-law|Kepler's third law: Power law and log-log plot.]] - [[1 teaching/summer program 2023/puzzles-and-problems/an-excerpt-of-harmonices-mundi|Excerpt of Kepler's Harmonices Mundi]] - Heliocentrism and geocentrism: The story of parallax. - Computer lab: - [Python notebook file for Week 4 Thursday](https://bonsoon.net/posts/1%20teaching/summer%20program%202023/coding/codes/---files/M94-Lec-2-week-4-Thursday.ipynb) - Here is the [UPDATED Python notebook file for Week 4 Thursday](https://bonsoon.net/posts/1%20teaching/summer%20program%202023/coding/codes/---files/M94-Lec-2-week-4-Thursday-UPDATED.ipynb) - [planets.csv](https://bonsoon.net/posts/1%20teaching/summer%20program%202023/coding/codes/---files/planets.csv) - Day 20 (9/1 Friday) - [Python notebook file for Week 4 Friday](https://bonsoon.net/posts/1%20teaching/summer%20program%202023/coding/codes/---files/M94-Lec-2-week-4-Friday.ipynb) - [chad_pop.csv](https://bonsoon.net/posts/1%20teaching/summer%20program%202023/coding/codes/---files/chad_pop.csv) - Supplemental reading: - [[1 teaching/summer program 2023/puzzles-and-problems/regression-models|A brief note on regression models.]] **Week 5. Linear system of equations; complex numbers; periodic behavior and DFT: Discrete Fourier Transform.** - Day 21 (9/4 Monday Labor day no class) - Day 22 (9/5 Tuesday) - [[1 teaching/summer program 2023/group-project-info|Group project information.]] - Linear system of equations, elementary row operations, and echelon forms. - [[1 teaching/summer program 2023/linear-system-problems|Linear system problems]] - Day 23 (9/6 Wednesday) - A brief discussion on periodic behavior, and finding their frequency components using discrete Fourier transform (DFT). If it jiggles, wiggles, cycles or spins: Fourier transform! - A brief discussion on using complex numbers and Euler's formula $e^{i\theta}=\cos\theta +i\sin\theta$ to derive angle-sum formulas. - Day 24 (9/7 Thursday) - [[1 teaching/summer program 2023/puzzles-and-problems/pendulum-swing|Pendulum swing.]] - Computer lab: Discrete Fourier Transform ! - [Python notebook file for Week 5 Thursday](https://bonsoon.net/posts/1%20teaching/summer%20program%202023/coding/codes/---files/M94-Lec-2-week-5-Thursday.ipynb) - Here is the [UPDATED Python notebook file for Week 5 Thursday](https://bonsoon.net/posts/1%20teaching/summer%20program%202023/coding/codes/---files/M94-Lec-2-week-5-Thursday-UPDATED.ipynb) - [demo-30cm.csv](https://bonsoon.net/posts/1%20teaching/summer%20program%202023/coding/codes/---files/demo-30cm.csv) - Day 25 (9/8 Friday) - Computer lab: Gauss-Jordan elimination for solving linear systems ! - [Python notebook file for Week 5 Friday](https://bonsoon.net/posts/1%20teaching/summer%20program%202023/coding/codes/---files/M94-Lec-2-week-5-Friday.ipynb) - Here is the [UPDATED Python notebook file for Week 5 Friday](https://bonsoon.net/posts/1%20teaching/summer%20program%202023/coding/codes/---files/M94-Lec-2-week-5-Friday-UPDATED.ipynb) **Week 6. Applications of differentiation and integration, miscellany topics, group presentation.** - Day 26 (9/11 Monday) - Volume and surface area of a sphere: Using cones! (Archimedes' most favorite theorem.) - [[1 teaching/summer program 2023/group-project-info|Group project information.]] - Day 27 (9/12 Tuesday) - Work on group project - Day 28 (9/13 Wednesday) - Work on group project - Day 29 (9/14 Thursday) - Work on group project - Day 30 (9/15 Friday) - [[1 teaching/summer program 2023/group-presentations|Group presentations!]] ![[1 teaching/summer program 2023/---files/Summer_program_2023 2023-09-10 14.11.43.excalidraw.svg]] %%[[1 teaching/summer program 2023/---files/Summer_program_2023 2023-09-10 14.11.43.excalidraw|๐Ÿ–‹ Edit in Excalidraw]], and the [[summer program 2023/---files/Summer_program_2023 2023-09-10 14.11.43.excalidraw.dark.svg|dark exported image]]%% #summer-program-2023